السبت، 23 أكتوبر 2010


In my surlier years about 1990 I was wandering in some alleys of the city of
Tebessa and found a cover of a tin with cylindrical shape it's length is 53 mm
and width is 7 mm, I placed my index finger at the inner edge of the lid from
the bottom and I caught the other side by my thumb and forefinger in the
opposite manner like “X” format and then launched my index finger and left
the other side of the lid so it made this cover went flying in the air to nearly
more than 34 m , I have done all this by accident, yet I realized that I alleady
invented a new game and then this game became the the most popular game
In my neighborhood...
after that we were used to play with this game in some kind of another
veersion called “the hunter and the gazelle” where we children seek to
hit eatch other with that cover by aiming and throwing...since then i
decided to publish this game throughout all the world...
sat oct 23,2010
Designed by Bahi Boualleg

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